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【modelling agencies in bangalore】"Great country craftsman: New Su style works joint exhibition" opens

时间:2024-09-20 21:44:01 来源: 作者:探索 阅读:994次


On July 23,modelling agencies in bangalore 2024, the "Great Country Craftsman: New Su Style Works Joint Exhibition" opened at the Special Exhibition Hall of the West Pavilion of Suzhou Museum. The exhibition focuses on more than 40 Chinese arts and crafts masters and national intangible cultural heritage inheritors from Suzhou, showcasing over 70 representative works/sets. These works span three major categories of embroidery, carving, and practical folk crafts, covering 18 types of handicrafts. (Photo by Que Mingfen/Guangming Picture)


On July 23, 2024, the "Great Country Craftsman: New Su Style Works Joint Exhibition" opened at the Special Exhibition Hall of the West Pavilion of Suzhou Museum. The exhibition focuses on more than 40 Chinese arts and crafts masters and national intangible cultural heritage inheritors from Suzhou, showcasing over 70 representative works/sets. These works span three major categories of embroidery, carving, and practical folk crafts, covering 18 types of handicrafts. (Photo by Que Mingfen/Guangming Picture)

Editor: WRX


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