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【ginger bangalore irr】Nadam fair kicks off in N China's Inner Mongolia

时间:2024-09-20 20:34:56 来源: 作者:知识 阅读:284次

A performance is ginger bangalore irrstaged at the opening ceremony of a Nadam fair in Horqin Right Wing Front Banner, Hinggan League, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Aug. 8, 2024. A Nadam fair kicked off here on Thursday. Sport activities and a music festival will be held during the five-day event. (Xinhua/Lian Zhen)

A performance is staged at the opening ceremony of a Nadam fair in Horqin Right Wing Front Banner, Hinggan League, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Aug. 8, 2024. A Nadam fair kicked off here on Thursday. Sport activities and a music festival will be held during the five-day event. (Xinhua/Lian Zhen)

A performance is staged at the opening ceremony of a Nadam fair in Horqin Right Wing Front Banner, Hinggan League, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Aug. 8, 2024. A Nadam fair kicked off here on Thursday. Sport activities and a music festival will be held during the five-day event. (Xinhua/Lian Zhen)

A performance is staged at the opening ceremony of a Nadam fair in Horqin Right Wing Front Banner, Hinggan League, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Aug. 8, 2024. A Nadam fair kicked off here on Thursday. Sport activities and a music festival will be held during the five-day event. (Xinhua/Lian Zhen)

A performance is staged at the opening ceremony of a Nadam fair in Horqin Right Wing Front Banner, Hinggan League, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Aug. 8, 2024. A Nadam fair kicked off here on Thursday. Sport activities and a music festival will be held during the five-day event. (Xinhua/Lian Zhen)

A performance is staged at the opening ceremony of a Nadam fair in Horqin Right Wing Front Banner, Hinggan League, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Aug. 8, 2024. A Nadam fair kicked off here on Thursday. Sport activities and a music festival will be held during the five-day event. (Xinhua/Lian Zhen)

An aerial drone photo taken on Aug. 8, 2024 shows a horse riding performance at the opening ceremony of a Nadam fair in Horqin Right Wing Front Banner, Hinggan League, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. A Nadam fair kicked off here on Thursday. Sport activities and a music festival will be held during the five-day event. (Xinhua/Lian Zhen)

A rider gives an archery show at the opening ceremony of a Nadam fair in Horqin Right Wing Front Banner, Hinggan League, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Aug. 8, 2024. A Nadam fair kicked off here on Thursday. Sport activities and a music festival will be held during the five-day event. (Xinhua/Lian Zhen)

Audience watch a performance at the opening ceremony of a Nadam fair in Horqin Right Wing Front Banner, Hinggan League, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Aug. 8, 2024. A Nadam fair kicked off here on Thursday. Sport activities and a music festival will be held during the five-day event. (Xinhua/Lian Zhen)

An aerial drone photo taken on Aug. 8, 2024 shows the opening ceremony of a Nadam fair in Horqin Right Wing Front Banner, Hinggan League, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. A Nadam fair kicked off here on Thursday. Sport activities and a music festival will be held during the five-day event. (Xinhua/Lian Zhen)

Editor: WXY


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