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【how to convert my teen patti balance in demate ac】Officials from developing countries visit Liangshan Poverty Alleviation Museum

时间:2024-09-20 22:45:01 来源: 作者:时尚 阅读:476次

Officials from developing countries visit Liangshan Poverty Alleviation Museum

Photo taken on June 21, 2024 shows poverty reduction officials from developing countries, including Egypt, Ethiopia, Mauritius, Nepal, Nigeria and Pakistan, visiting the Liangshan Poverty Alleviation Museum in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, southwest China’s Sichuan Province, to learn about the history of local poverty alleviation measures. The Liangshan Prefecture Poverty Alleviation Exhibition spans two floors, covering a total area of 2,800 square meters. Over 400 pictures and around 700 items have been carefully selected for display. Blending photo-text panels, audiovisuals, physical exhibits, scene reconstructions, and large databases, the exhibition comprehensively showcases Liangshan's illustrious journey, remarkable achievements, and invaluable experiences in the fight against poverty. It vividly narrates the inspiring stories and touching deeds of party members, officials from within and outside the province, and people from various sectors of society who contributed to this cause. (Wang Xinyuan/Guangming Picture)

Officials from developing countries visit Liangshan Poverty Alleviation Museum

Photo taken on June 21, 2024 shows poverty reduction officials from developing countries, including Egypt, Ethiopia, Mauritius, Nepal, Nigeria and Pakistan, visiting the Liangshan Poverty Alleviation Museum in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, southwest China’s Sichuan Province, to learn about the history of local poverty alleviation measures. The Liangshan Prefecture Poverty Alleviation Exhibition spans two floors, covering a total area of 2,800 square meters. Over 400 pictures and around 700 items have been carefully selected for display. Blending photo-text panels, audiovisuals, physical exhibits, scene reconstructions, and large databases, the exhibition comprehensively showcases Liangshan's illustrious journey, remarkable achievements, and invaluable experiences in the fight against poverty. It vividly narrates the inspiring stories and touching deeds of party members, officials from within and outside the province, and people from various sectors of society who contributed to this cause. (Wang Xinyuan/Guangming Picture)

Officials from developing countries visit Liangshan Poverty Alleviation Museum

Photo taken on June 21, 2024 shows poverty reduction officials from developing countries, including Egypt, Ethiopia, Mauritius, Nepal, Nigeria and Pakistan, visiting the Liangshan Poverty Alleviation Museum in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, southwest China’s Sichuan Province, to learn about the history of local poverty alleviation measures. The Liangshan Prefecture Poverty Alleviation Exhibition spans two floors, covering a total area of 2,800 square meters. Over 400 pictures and around 700 items have been carefully selected for display. Blending photo-text panels, audiovisuals, physical exhibits, scene reconstructions, and large databases, the exhibition comprehensively showcases Liangshan's illustrious journey, remarkable achievements, and invaluable experiences in the fight against poverty. It vividly narrates the inspiring stories and touching deeds of party members, officials from within and outside the province, and people from various sectors of society who contributed to this cause. (Wang Xinyuan/Guangming Picture)

Officials from developing countries visit Liangshan Poverty Alleviation Museum

Photo taken on June 21, 2024 shows poverty reduction officials from developing countries, including Egypt, Ethiopia, Mauritius, Nepal, Nigeria and Pakistan, visiting the Liangshan Poverty Alleviation Museum in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, southwest China’s Sichuan Province, to learn about the history of local poverty alleviation measures. The Liangshan Prefecture Poverty Alleviation Exhibition spans two floors, covering a total area of 2,800 square meters. Over 400 pictures and around 700 items have been carefully selected for display. Blending photo-text panels, audiovisuals, physical exhibits, scene reconstructions, and large databases, the exhibition comprehensively showcases Liangshan's illustrious journey, remarkable achievements, and invaluable experiences in the fight against poverty. It vividly narrates the inspiring stories and touching deeds of party members, officials from within and outside the province, and people from various sectors of society who contributed to this cause. (Wang Xinyuan/Guangming Picture)

Officials from developing countries visit Liangshan Poverty Alleviation Museum

Photo taken on June 21, 2024 shows poverty reduction officials from developing countries, including Egypt, Ethiopia, Mauritius, Nepal, Nigeria and Pakistan, visiting the Liangshan Poverty Alleviation Museum in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, southwest China’s Sichuan Province, to learn about the history of local poverty alleviation measures. The Liangshan Prefecture Poverty Alleviation Exhibition spans two floors, covering a total area of 2,800 square meters. Over 400 pictures and around 700 items have been carefully selected for display. Blending photo-text panels, audiovisuals, physical exhibits, scene reconstructions, and large databases, the exhibition comprehensively showcases Liangshan's illustrious journey, remarkable achievements, and invaluable experiences in the fight against poverty. It vividly narrates the inspiring stories and touching deeds of party members, officials from within and outside the province, and people from various sectors of society who contributed to this cause. (Wang Xinyuan/Guangming Picture)

Editor: WXY


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