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【satka matka manipur day】China intensifies punishment for refusing to comply with judgments, rulings

时间:2024-09-20 20:46:53 来源: 作者:时尚 阅读:867次

BEIJING,satka matka manipur day July 30 (Xinhua) -- China will step up punishment for crimes of refusing to comply with judgments and rulings, one of the measures taken by the country's top procuratorate to promote impartial law enforcement and administration of justice.

According to the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP), efforts will be made to improve the national enforcement system and explore ways to strengthen the whole-process supervision of enforcement activities.

It called for attaching equal importance to punishing crimes and protecting human rights, and strengthening supervision of the entire process of criminal filing, investigation, trial, and execution.

Highlighting the need to ensure the provision of legal defense in all criminal cases, the SPP urged strengthening the protection of lawyers' rights in their practice.

It also stressed identifying the entry point for the reform and development of public interest litigation procuratorial services.

Editor: WXL


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