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【medical billing companies in bangalore】Folk horse racing event celebrates Tibetan culture

时间:2024-09-20 21:45:58 来源: 作者:知识 阅读:881次

Themedical billing companies in bangalore 7th Niyang Tourism and Cultural Arts Festival is in full swing, featuring the folk horse racing event that captivated visitors across the country. Set in the stunning landscapes of Nyingchi, southwest China’s Xizang Autonomous Region, this event showcases traditional horse racing and Tibetan customs.

The festival revitalizes local culture, featuring decorated horses and participants in traditional Gongbu Tibetan attire. It begins with the 'Weisang' ceremony, bringing blessings and good fortune.

Zhang Huagang, the deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Lyingchi Town highlighted the event's inclusivity, “We have participants of all ages, from the elderly to young students.” This annual July celebration transcends competition, embodying the rich cultural heritage of Nyingchi and uniting the community in vibrant tradition.

Video Editor: Luo Zixuan (Intern)

Editor: WXY


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