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【magic bricks com bangalore】Bolivian president proposes referendum on re

时间:2024-09-20 21:32:44 来源: 作者:娱乐 阅读:881次

LA PAZ,magic bricks com bangalore Aug. 6 (Xinhua) -- Bolivian President Luis Arce on Tuesday proposed holding a referendum on presidential re-election, distribution of seats in the Legislative Assembly (Congress) and fuel subsidies.

"Difficult moments require firm, mature, thoughtful decisions and human beings who do not falter in the face of adversity," the president said in a speech marking the 199th anniversary of Bolivia's independence, in Sucre, a city in southern Chuquisaca department.

Issues having to do with fuel supply and a shortage of dollars "are being used politically by some groups to create unrest," said Arce, adding he would rather see the people decide "whether or not we maintain the subsidy" for hydrocarbons.

Another issue that could be put to a vote is the distribution of seats in the Legislative Assembly, currently made up of 36 senators and 130 deputies.

"I am convinced that the wisdom of the people will be the guarantee that allows us to overcome the obstacles that we now face and that without a doubt we will overcome together facing the Bicentennial," said Arce.

Editor: WRX


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