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【rainbow rumm】Scenery of Shibaozhai in Chongqing, SW China

时间:2024-09-20 21:39:01 来源: 作者:时尚 阅读:343次

People visit Shibaozhai, a scenic spot in Zhongxian County, southwest China's Chongqing, July 10, 2024. Shibaozhai looks like a heart-shaped bonsai sitting in the middle of Three Gorges section of Yangtze Rier. It is home to a 12-story, 56-meter wooden pagoda that stands on 20 pillars and leans against the cliff. This structure dated back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) serves as a leading tourist attraction of Shibaozhai. (Xinhua/Huang Wei)

A drone photo taken on July 10, 2024 shows Shibaozhai, a scenic spot in Zhongxian County, southwest China's Chongqing. Shibaozhai looks like a heart-shaped bonsai sitting in the middle of Three Gorges section of Yangtze Rier. It is home to a 12-story, 56-meter wooden pagoda that stands on 20 pillars and leans against the cliff. This structure dated back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) serves as a leading tourist attraction of Shibaozhai. (Xinhua/Huang Wei)

A drone photo taken on July 10, 2024 shows people visiting the Shibaozhai, a scenic spot in Zhongxian County, southwest China's Chongqing. Shibaozhai looks like a heart-shaped bonsai sitting in the middle of Three Gorges section of Yangtze Rier. It is home to a 12-story, 56-meter wooden pagoda that stands on 20 pillars and leans against the cliff. This structure dated back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) serves as a leading tourist attraction of Shibaozhai. (Xinhua/Liu Chan)

A drone photo taken on July 10, 2024 shows the wooden pagoda in Shibaozhai, a scenic spot in Zhongxian County, southwest China's Chongqing. Shibaozhai looks like a heart-shaped bonsai sitting in the middle of Three Gorges section of Yangtze Rier. It is home to a 12-story, 56-meter wooden pagoda that stands on 20 pillars and leans against the cliff. This structure dated back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) serves as a leading tourist attraction of Shibaozhai. (Xinhua/Liu Chan)

People visit Shibaozhai, a scenic spot in Zhongxian County, southwest China's Chongqing, July 10, 2024. Shibaozhai looks like a heart-shaped bonsai sitting in the middle of Three Gorges section of Yangtze Rier. It is home to a 12-story, 56-meter wooden pagoda that stands on 20 pillars and leans against the cliff. This structure dated back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) serves as a leading tourist attraction of Shibaozhai. (Xinhua/Huang Wei)

A drone photo taken on July 10, 2024 shows Shibaozhai, a scenic spot in Zhongxian County, southwest China's Chongqing. Shibaozhai looks like a heart-shaped bonsai sitting in the middle of Three Gorges section of Yangtze Rier. It is home to a 12-story, 56-meter wooden pagoda that stands on 20 pillars and leans against the cliff. This structure dated back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) serves as a leading tourist attraction of Shibaozhai. (Xinhua/Liu Chan)

A drone photo taken on July 10, 2024 shows cruise ships docking at Shibaozhai, a scenic spot in Zhongxian County, southwest China's Chongqing. Shibaozhai looks like a heart-shaped bonsai sitting in the middle of Three Gorges section of Yangtze Rier. It is home to a 12-story, 56-meter wooden pagoda that stands on 20 pillars and leans against the cliff. This structure dated back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) serves as a leading tourist attraction of Shibaozhai. (Xinhua/Liu Chan)

A drone photo taken on July 10, 2024 shows Shibaozhai, a scenic spot in Zhongxian County, southwest China's Chongqing. Shibaozhai looks like a heart-shaped bonsai sitting in the middle of Three Gorges section of Yangtze Rier. It is home to a 12-story, 56-meter wooden pagoda that stands on 20 pillars and leans against the cliff. This structure dated back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) serves as a leading tourist attraction of Shibaozhai. (Xinhua/Huang Wei)

A drone photo taken on July 10, 2024 shows Shibaozhai, a scenic spot in Zhongxian County, southwest China's Chongqing. Shibaozhai looks like a heart-shaped bonsai sitting in the middle of Three Gorges section of Yangtze Rier. It is home to a 12-story, 56-meter wooden pagoda that stands on 20 pillars and leans against the cliff. This structure dated back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) serves as a leading tourist attraction of Shibaozhai. (Xinhua/Liu Chan)

People visit Shibaozhai, a scenic spot in Zhongxian County, southwest China's Chongqing, July 10, 2024. Shibaozhai looks like a heart-shaped bonsai sitting in the middle of Three Gorges section of Yangtze Rier. It is home to a 12-story, 56-meter wooden pagoda that stands on 20 pillars and leans against the cliff. This structure dated back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) serves as a leading tourist attraction of Shibaozhai. (Xinhua/Huang Wei)

People visit Shibaozhai, a scenic spot in Zhongxian County, southwest China's Chongqing, July 10, 2024. Shibaozhai looks like a heart-shaped bonsai sitting in the middle of Three Gorges section of Yangtze Rier. It is home to a 12-story, 56-meter wooden pagoda that stands on 20 pillars and leans against the cliff. This structure dated back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) serves as a leading tourist attraction of Shibaozhai. (Xinhua/Huang Wei)

People visit Shibaozhai, a scenic spot in Zhongxian County, southwest China's Chongqing, July 10, 2024. Shibaozhai looks like a heart-shaped bonsai sitting in the middle of Three Gorges section of Yangtze Rier. It is home to a 12-story, 56-meter wooden pagoda that stands on 20 pillars and leans against the cliff. This structure dated back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) serves as a leading tourist attraction of Shibaozhai. (Xinhua/Huang Wei)

Editor: WXY


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