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【bhupen hazarika bridge】People visit sunflower field in Abbotsford, Canada

时间:2024-09-20 21:40:34 来源: 作者:休闲 阅读:289次

People visit a sunflower field in Abbotsford, Canada, Aug. 4, 2024.

Covering over 45 acres, this field is planted with 25 different varieties of sunflowers, attracting thousands of visitors in midsummer. (Photo by Liang Sen/Xinhua)

People visit a sunflower field in Abbotsford, Canada, Aug. 4, 2024.

Covering over 45 acres, this field is planted with 25 different varieties of sunflowers, attracting thousands of visitors in midsummer. (Photo by Liang Sen/Xinhua)

People observe sunflowers at a sunflower field in Abbotsford, Canada, Aug. 4, 2024.

Covering over 45 acres, this field is planted with 25 different varieties of sunflowers, attracting thousands of visitors in midsummer. (Photo by Liang Sen/Xinhua)

People visit a sunflower field in Abbotsford, Canada, Aug. 4, 2024.

Covering over 45 acres, this field is planted with 25 different varieties of sunflowers, attracting thousands of visitors in midsummer. (Photo by Liang Sen/Xinhua)

People visit a sunflower field in Abbotsford, Canada, Aug. 4, 2024.

Covering over 45 acres, this field is planted with 25 different varieties of sunflowers, attracting thousands of visitors in midsummer. (Photo by Liang Sen/Xinhua)

Editor: WRX


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