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【kalyan bhav】Infographic: Fruitful results of Xi's state visit to Kazakhstan

时间:2024-09-20 21:22:47 来源: 作者:探索 阅读:890次

Infographic: Fruitful results of Xi's state visit to Kazakhstan

At the invitation of President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev of the Republic of Kazakhstan, President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to Kazakhstan from July 2 to 3, 2024. This is President Xi Jinping’s fifth visit to Kazakhstan and the first visit to Central Asia by China’s top leader after the 20th CPC National Congress. It marked yet another milestone in the history of China-Kazakhstan relations.

Here are the fruitful results of President Xi’s visit.

First, political mutual trust reached a new height.The two presidents jointly signed and issued a joint statement, reaffirming continued firm support to each other on issues concerning the two countries’ respective core interests.

Second, practical cooperation received new impetus.The two sides agreed to seek greater synergy between Belt and Road cooperation and the economic policies under a Just Kazakhstan, and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation on all fronts.

Third, new outcomes were achieved in people-to-people and cultural exchanges.China will set up the second Luban Workshop in Kazakhstan and hold China tourism year activities in Kazakhstan next year.

Fourth, coordination on international affairs has been further substantiated.The two sides agreed to have close cooperation under multilateral frameworks, actively implement the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative, and jointly champion an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization.

China will work with Kazakhstan to deliver on the important common understandings between the two presidents, upgrade cooperation across the board, and jointly usher in a brighter future for China-Kazakhstan relations.

(Sources: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Xinhua)

Editor: Zhang Zhou


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