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【sone ka matka satta king】Terraced rice fields await harvest in C China’s Hunan

时间:2024-09-20 21:33:56 来源: 作者:焦点 阅读:158次

梯田水稻 丰收在望

Photo taken on Aug. 7,sone ka matka satta king 2024 shows Shibi Village in Wanfoshan Town, Tongdao Dong Autonomous County in central China’s Hunan Province, where the rice in the high-altitude terraced fields is lush and growing well. In recent years, the local area has firmly adhered to the red line of arable land protection, and fully implemented the policy of maintaining a balance between land development and conservation, ensuring that both the quantity and quality of arable land are maintained, thus comprehensively supporting rural revitalization. (Li Shangyin/Guangming Picture)

Editor: JYZ


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