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【teen patti villian】Mist surrounds Jinshanling, clouds surface ancient Great Wall

时间:2024-09-20 21:42:39 来源: 作者:时尚 阅读:484次

雾绕金山岭 云涌古长城

Photo taken on June 9, 2024 shows a sea of clouds on the Jinshanling Great Wall in Luanping County of Chengde City of north China’s Hebei Province. In the morning after rain, the Jinshanling Great Wall has a sea of clouds, which is as beautiful as a fairyland. (Li Xiuqing/Guangming Picture)

雾绕金山岭 云涌古长城

Photo taken on June 9, 2024 shows a sea of clouds on the Jinshanling Great Wall in Luanping County of Chengde City of north China’s Hebei Province. In the morning after rain, the Jinshanling Great Wall has a sea of clouds, which is as beautiful as a fairyland. (Li Xiuqing/Guangming Picture)

雾绕金山岭 云涌古长城

Photo taken on June 9, 2024 shows a sea of clouds on the Jinshanling Great Wall in Luanping County of Chengde City of north China’s Hebei Province. In the morning after rain, the Jinshanling Great Wall has a sea of clouds, which is as beautiful as a fairyland. (Li Xiuqing/Guangming Picture)

Editor: JYZ


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