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【indian rummy online】Government housing initiative enhances Sertengkha village(1)

时间:2024-09-20 19:32:33 来源: 作者:时尚 阅读:875次

Villagers in Sertengkha village of Lhari county in the Nagchu city of the Xizang autonomous region now enjoy improved living conditions thanks to the government's housing improvement project. [Photo by Palden Nyima/chinadaily.com.cn]

Sertengkha village of Lhari county in the Nagchu city of the Xizang autonomous region has undergone a remarkable transformation thanks to the government's housing improvement project.

Theindian rummy online village once was called a muddy village, as herders kept their yaks very near their houses, and it was easy to dirt their homes when it rained or snowed.

Editor: JYZ


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