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【satta 143 satta 143 1】A glimpse of ecological security barrier in NE China

时间:2024-09-20 21:30:04 来源: 作者:百科 阅读:756次

An aerial drone photo taken on June 4,satta 143 satta 143 1 2024 shows a view in Sun Island scenic spot in Harbin, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province. As the eastern part of the Three-North Shelterbelt Forest Program (TSFP), a large-scale afforestation project, northeast China has seen continuous improvement of ecological environment. China proposed in June 2023 to turn the TSFP into a fully functional and unbreakable "green Great Wall" and ecological security barrier in northern China. Launched in 1978, the TSFP aims to rehabilitate and green desert-prone lands and desertified areas in northwest, north and northeast China. (Xinhua/Wang Song)

An aerial drone photo taken on July 2, 2024 shows greenery along Yitong River in Changchun, northeast China's Jilin Province. As the eastern part of the Three-North Shelterbelt Forest Program (TSFP), a large-scale afforestation project, northeast China has seen continuous improvement of ecological environment. China proposed in June 2023 to turn the TSFP into a fully functional and unbreakable "green Great Wall" and ecological security barrier in northern China. Launched in 1978, the TSFP aims to rehabilitate and green desert-prone lands and desertified areas in northwest, north and northeast China. (Xinhua/Zhang Nan)

An aerial drone photo taken on July 4, 2024 shows sunset scenery in Chen Barag Banner of Hulun Buir, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. As the eastern part of the Three-North Shelterbelt Forest Program (TSFP), a large-scale afforestation project, northeast China has seen continuous improvement of ecological environment. China proposed in June 2023 to turn the TSFP into a fully functional and unbreakable "green Great Wall" and ecological security barrier in northern China. Launched in 1978, the TSFP aims to rehabilitate and green desert-prone lands and desertified areas in northwest, north and northeast China. (Xinhua/Bei He)

An aerial drone photo taken on Aug. 13, 2024 shows a wetland park in Harbin, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province. As the eastern part of the Three-North Shelterbelt Forest Program (TSFP), a large-scale afforestation project, northeast China has seen continuous improvement of ecological environment. China proposed in June 2023 to turn the TSFP into a fully functional and unbreakable "green Great Wall" and ecological security barrier in northern China. Launched in 1978, the TSFP aims to rehabilitate and green desert-prone lands and desertified areas in northwest, north and northeast China. (Xinhua/Xie Jianfei)

An aerial drone photo taken on July 24, 2024 shows herons in a forest in Heihe City, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province. As the eastern part of the Three-North Shelterbelt Forest Program (TSFP), a large-scale afforestation project, northeast China has seen continuous improvement of ecological environment. China proposed in June 2023 to turn the TSFP into a fully functional and unbreakable "green Great Wall" and ecological security barrier in northern China. Launched in 1978, the TSFP aims to rehabilitate and green desert-prone lands and desertified areas in northwest, north and northeast China. (Xinhua/Xie Jianfei)

An aerial drone photo taken on July 6, 2024 shows people visiting Xiushui national wetland park in Zhalantun City, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. As the eastern part of the Three-North Shelterbelt Forest Program (TSFP), a large-scale afforestation project, northeast China has seen continuous improvement of ecological environment. China proposed in June 2023 to turn the TSFP into a fully functional and unbreakable "green Great Wall" and ecological security barrier in northern China. Launched in 1978, the TSFP aims to rehabilitate and green desert-prone lands and desertified areas in northwest, north and northeast China. (Xinhua/Bei He)

An aerial drone photo taken on Aug. 3, 2024 shows greenery in Horqin Left Wing Rear Banner of Tongliao City, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. As the eastern part of the Three-North Shelterbelt Forest Program (TSFP), a large-scale afforestation project, northeast China has seen continuous improvement of ecological environment. China proposed in June 2023 to turn the TSFP into a fully functional and unbreakable "green Great Wall" and ecological security barrier in northern China. Launched in 1978, the TSFP aims to rehabilitate and green desert-prone lands and desertified areas in northwest, north and northeast China. (Xinhua/Lian Zhen)

An aerial drone photo taken on July 18, 2024 shows horses grazing at the Wulanmaodu pasture, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. As the eastern part of the Three-North Shelterbelt Forest Program (TSFP), a large-scale afforestation project, northeast China has seen continuous improvement of ecological environment. China proposed in June 2023 to turn the TSFP into a fully functional and unbreakable "green Great Wall" and ecological security barrier in northern China. Launched in 1978, the TSFP aims to rehabilitate and green desert-prone lands and desertified areas in northwest, north and northeast China. (Xinhua/Bei He)

An aerial drone photo taken on July 26, 2024 shows forest scenery in Suihua City, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province. As the eastern part of the Three-North Shelterbelt Forest Program (TSFP), a large-scale afforestation project, northeast China has seen continuous improvement of ecological environment. China proposed in June 2023 to turn the TSFP into a fully functional and unbreakable "green Great Wall" and ecological security barrier in northern China. Launched in 1978, the TSFP aims to rehabilitate and green desert-prone lands and desertified areas in northwest, north and northeast China. (Xinhua/Xie Jianfei)

An aerial drone photo taken on May 30, 2024 shows the Zhanggutai base of the sand control and utilization research institute of the Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Zhangwu County, northeast China's Liaoning Province. As the eastern part of the Three-North Shelterbelt Forest Program (TSFP), a large-scale afforestation project, northeast China has seen continuous improvement of ecological environment. Launched in 1978, the TSFP aims to rehabilitate and green desert-prone lands and desertified areas in northwest, north and northeast China. (Xinhua/Pan Yulong)

An aerial drone photo taken on July 18, 2024 shows sunset scenery at the Wulanmaodu pasture, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. As the eastern part of the Three-North Shelterbelt Forest Program (TSFP), a large-scale afforestation project, northeast China has seen continuous improvement of ecological environment. China proposed in June 2023 to turn the TSFP into a fully functional and unbreakable "green Great Wall" and ecological security barrier in northern China. Launched in 1978, the TSFP aims to rehabilitate and green desert-prone lands and desertified areas in northwest, north and northeast China. (Xinhua/Bei He)

Editor: WXY


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