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【kya matka】People enjoy themselves during July Christmas event in Canberra, Australia

时间:2024-09-20 21:22:22 来源: 作者:娱乐 阅读:316次

People enjoy themselves during the July Christmas event in Canberra, Australia, June 30, 2024. Canberra's July Christmas event took place here from June 27 to 30.

As a unique celebration in the Southern Hemisphere, July Christmas stems from Australians' longing for a traditional white Christmas. Since December is summer in Australia, people celebrate a "fake" Christmas in July to experience a snowy festive atmosphere.

During this time, people gather to exchange blessings and enjoy the joy of Christmas in advance. (Photo by Chu Chen/Xinhua)

A girl poses for photos behind a decoration during the July Christmas event in Canberra, Australia, June 30, 2024. Canberra's July Christmas event took place here from June 27 to 30.

As a unique celebration in the Southern Hemisphere, July Christmas stems from Australians' longing for a traditional white Christmas. Since December is summer in Australia, people celebrate a "fake" Christmas in July to experience a snowy festive atmosphere.

During this time, people gather to exchange blessings and enjoy the joy of Christmas in advance. (Photo by Chu Chen/Xinhua)

A woman buys food during the July Christmas event in Canberra, Australia, June 30, 2024. Canberra's July Christmas event took place here from June 27 to 30.

As a unique celebration in the Southern Hemisphere, July Christmas stems from Australians' longing for a traditional white Christmas. Since December is summer in Australia, people celebrate a "fake" Christmas in July to experience a snowy festive atmosphere.

During this time, people gather to exchange blessings and enjoy the joy of Christmas in advance. (Photo by Chu Chen/Xinhua)

People enjoy themselves during the July Christmas event in Canberra, Australia, June 30, 2024. Canberra's July Christmas event took place here from June 27 to 30.

As a unique celebration in the Southern Hemisphere, July Christmas stems from Australians' longing for a traditional white Christmas. Since December is summer in Australia, people celebrate a "fake" Christmas in July to experience a snowy festive atmosphere.

During this time, people gather to exchange blessings and enjoy the joy of Christmas in advance. (Photo by Chu Chen/Xinhua)

Children are pictured during the July Christmas event in Canberra, Australia, June 30, 2024. Canberra's July Christmas event took place here from June 27 to 30.

As a unique celebration in the Southern Hemisphere, July Christmas stems from Australians' longing for a traditional white Christmas. Since December is summer in Australia, people celebrate a "fake" Christmas in July to experience a snowy festive atmosphere.

During this time, people gather to exchange blessings and enjoy the joy of Christmas in advance. (Photo by Chu Chen/Xinhua)

Children are pictured during the July Christmas event in Canberra, Australia, June 30, 2024. Canberra's July Christmas event took place here from June 27 to 30.

As a unique celebration in the Southern Hemisphere, July Christmas stems from Australians' longing for a traditional white Christmas. Since December is summer in Australia, people celebrate a "fake" Christmas in July to experience a snowy festive atmosphere.

During this time, people gather to exchange blessings and enjoy the joy of Christmas in advance. (Photo by Chu Chen/Xinhua)

Editor: JYZ


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