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【population of bangalore 2022】Fragrance of lotus flowers attract viewers across China

时间:2024-09-20 20:36:47 来源: 作者:时尚 阅读:678次

Recently,population of bangalore 2022 lotus flowers in various ponds have started blooming one after another, becoming a beautiful summer sight. Across different regions in China, lotus ponds are welcoming their peak viewing season, with the vibrant green leaves and blossoming lotus flowers complementing each other to create a picturesque summer scene. Residents and tourists stop to admire, fully enjoying the beauty of the lotus flowers and the refreshing coolness of summer.


Photo taken on June 16, 2024 shows tourists are enjoying lotus flowers at Pantang Park in Wuzhou City of south China’s Zhuangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. (He Huawen/Guangming Picture)


Photo taken on June 17, 2024 shows lotus flowers bloomed in full splendor in Yaomenghu Park, Yuncheng City of north China’s Shanxi Province, attracting tourists to appreciate and photograph them. (Yan Xin/Guangming Picture)


Photo taken on June 17, 2024 shows lotus flowers are blossoming in Xinghua Park in Huyang District of Hefei City in east China’s Anhui Province, attracting many tourists to take photos and enjoy the scenery. (Fang Hao/Guangming Picture)


Photo taken on June 15, 2024 shows tourists are enjoying the lotus flowers at Jinshan Park in Fuzhou City of east China’s Fujian Province. (Wang Wangwang/Guangming Picture)


Photo taken on June 17, 2024 shows citizens are enjoying lotus flowers at the lotus pond in Yueji Park, Nanyang City in central China’s Henan Province. (Gao Song/Guangming Picture)


Photo taken on June 16, 2024 shows lotus flower are blossoming in Dantai Lake Park in Suzhou City of east China’s Jiangsu Province. (Wang Jianzhong/Guangming Picture)


Photo taken on June 15, 2024 shows lotus flowers blossoming in Daguan Park in Kunming City of southwest China’s Yunnan Province, with tourists flocking to enjoy the view. (Zheng Yi/Guangming Picture)


Photo taken on June 11, 2024 shows several visitors are taking photos at the lotus root base in Weigang Village, Zhengji Town of Yicheng City in central China’s Hubei Province. (Zheng Xintao/Guangming Picture)

Editor: JYZ


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