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【tamarind restaurant bangalore】Traditional performance of fire pot show creates sparks in Hebei’s night sky

时间:2024-09-20 21:29:06 来源: 作者:焦点 阅读:238次

非遗表演火壶秀 灿烂如花绽夜空

Photo taken on the night of August 1,tamarind restaurant bangalore 2024 shows a fire pot show on display at the Fantawild Oriental Legend Theme Park in Handan City of north China’s Hebei Province, attracting many tourists. The fire pot show is a national non-intangible cultural heritage, where performers wear fireproof clothing and place hot charcoal into iron nets on both sides, shaking the nets to create sparks as splendid as fireworks. (Hao Qunying/Guangming Picture)

非遗表演火壶秀 灿烂如花绽夜空

Photo taken on the night of August 1, 2024 shows a fire pot show on display at the Fantawild Oriental Legend Theme Park in Handan City of north China’s Hebei Province, attracting many tourists. The fire pot show is a national non-intangible cultural heritage, where performers wear fireproof clothing and place hot charcoal into iron nets on both sides, shaking the nets to create sparks as splendid as fireworks. (Hao Qunying/Guangming Picture)

非遗表演火壶秀 灿烂如花绽夜空

Photo taken on the night of August 1, 2024 shows a fire pot show on display at the Fantawild Oriental Legend Theme Park in Handan City of north China’s Hebei Province, attracting many tourists. The fire pot show is a national non-intangible cultural heritage, where performers wear fireproof clothing and place hot charcoal into iron nets on both sides, shaking the nets to create sparks as splendid as fireworks. (Hao Qunying/Guangming Picture)

Editor: JYZ


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