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【ramamurthy nagar bridge bus stop】Caring for left

时间:2024-09-20 22:22:29 来源: 作者:娱乐 阅读:220次

关爱留守儿童 共迎奥运盛会

 On July 25,ramamurthy nagar bridge bus stop 2024, at Yangzhai Primary School in Huanggang Town, Funan County, Fuyang City, Anhui Province, volunteers and students from Quanzhou Light Industry Vocational College held the "Colorful Summer: Celebrating the Olympics Together" themed activity. Through activities like making lacquer fans, experiencing tie-dye techniques, and performing dragon and lion dances, participants experienced the charm of intangible cultural heritage arts, promoted the Olympic sports spirit, and welcomed the upcoming Paris Olympic Games. (Photo by Xie Guiming/Guangming Picture)

关爱留守儿童 共迎奥运盛会

On July 25, 2024, at Yangzhai Primary School in Huanggang Town, Funan County, Fuyang City, Anhui Province, volunteers and students from Quanzhou Light Industry Vocational College held the "Colorful Summer: Celebrating the Olympics Together" themed activity. Through activities like making lacquer fans, experiencing tie-dye techniques, and performing dragon and lion dances, participants experienced the charm of intangible cultural heritage arts, promoted the Olympic sports spirit, and welcomed the upcoming Paris Olympic Games. (Photo by Xie Guiming/Guangming Picture)

关爱留守儿童 共迎奥运盛会

On July 25, 2024, at Yangzhai Primary School in Huanggang Town, Funan County, Fuyang City, Anhui Province, volunteers and students from Quanzhou Light Industry Vocational College held the "Colorful Summer: Celebrating the Olympics Together" themed activity. Through activities like making lacquer fans, experiencing tie-dye techniques, and performing dragon and lion dances, participants experienced the charm of intangible cultural heritage arts, promoted the Olympic sports spirit, and welcomed the upcoming Paris Olympic Games. (Photo by Xie Guiming/Guangming Picture)

Editor: WRX


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