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【places to visit in bangalore】China Focus: China gears up for critical flood crest season

时间:2024-09-20 21:35:58 来源: 作者:百科 阅读:279次

BEIJING,places to visit in bangalore July 14 (Xinhua) -- China is bracing for the onset of the year's most critical flood season, with authorities told to adopt "bottom-line thinking" and prepare for worst-case scenarios in the coming month.

A high-level meeting held on Sunday brought together officials of the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, the Ministry of Emergency Management and other relevant departments, as well as authorities from nearly half of the country's provincial-level regions.

To ensure a robust response, authorities are being instructed to "re-mobilize, re-deploy and re-inspect" their emergency response plans, leaving no room for error. The goal is clear: win the battle against the flood season on multiple fronts.

In China, the term "Qi Xia Ba Shang," meaning late July and early August, refers to the peak flood season. During this period, heavy rainfall and typhoons cause water levels to rise, posing a significant threat to communities along rivers, near lakes and on coastlines.

According to forecasts, all seven major river basins in China could experience flooding during the period, which is also likely to see typhoons move north into inland regions and an increased frequency of intense and extreme weather events, which could have devastating consequences.

As the flood situation will be "complex and severe," the Ministry of Emergency Management said at the meeting that any sense of complacency or false security should be shaken off, and called for a "full emergency response mode" to be activated.

Authorities across China have been told to strengthen dam inspections and rapid response measures, with a focus on high-risk areas such as the Yangtze River and major reservoirs.

Proactive measures are required to reinforce vulnerable sections of the flood defense system, with particular attention to be paid to mountain floods, geological disasters and urban water-logging.

Meanwhile, authorities will work to ensure the welfare of frontline flood responders and evacuated residents, providing medical support, heatstroke prevention and relocation assistance.

In areas where flooding has already occurred, thorough disinfection and cleaning work will be carried out to prevent the spread of disease.

According to the latest forecast, heavy rainfall is expected to continue in the coming days, with the main rain belt expected to move northward from July 14 to 18. This will bring sustained, extreme rainfall to the Sichuan Basin, Jianghan Plain and regions along the Yangtze River and Huaihe River, increasing the risk of flooding, landslides and urban water-logging.

This year, China's flood season began earlier than usual and brought more intense downpours and flooding than previous years. The country has experienced a series of pronounced rainfall episodes marked by frequency and intensity. A notable instance occurred in the Pearl River basin, which recorded six distinct flood events in April -- two months ahead of its typical schedule.

To date, there have been 20 significant flood occurrences in the country's major rivers, marking a substantial increase. Numerous small and medium-sized rivers have risen past their warning levels, with water levels surging at an alarming pace.

The cumulative count of rivers that are experiencing water levels above their warning marks stands at 786 across 24 provincial-level regions, representing a 2.2-fold increase compared to the corresponding period's average over previous years.

Despite challenges, the country has achieved notable outcomes from its flood control and disaster relief efforts. It has mobilized various resources to support rescue operations, provide emergency supplies and aid post-disaster reconstruction work as flooding caused by prolonged rains has ravaged parts of the country.

Since the flood season began this year, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Emergency Management have allocated funds of more than 1.8 billion yuan (about 255.49 million U.S. dollars) from the central budget for disaster relief.

The country has also organized tonnes of disaster relief supplies and dispatched tens of thousands of rescue personnel to affected regions.

Editor: WXL


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