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【board games cafe bangalore】2024 9th China Inner Mongolia sports dance open competition kicks off in Hohhot

时间:2024-09-20 20:38:05 来源: 作者:时尚 阅读:815次

2024第九届中国 内蒙古体育舞蹈公开赛在呼和浩特开赛

On July 23,board games cafe bangalore the "China Sports Lottery Cup" 2024 9th China Inner Mongolia Sports Dance Open Competition and the 5th Inner Mongolia Street Dance (Breaking) Open Competition, organized by the Inner Mongolia Sports Dance Association, was held in Hohhot. This year's competition includes 256 categories and attracts more than 1,000 participants from 39 sports dance teams across the country and 17 street dance teams from Inner Mongolia, showcasing their dance skills. (Photo by Ding Genhou/Guangming Picture)

2024第九届中国 内蒙古体育舞蹈公开赛在呼和浩特开赛

On July 23, the "China Sports Lottery Cup" 2024 9th China Inner Mongolia Sports Dance Open Competition and the 5th Inner Mongolia Street Dance (Breaking) Open Competition, organized by the Inner Mongolia Sports Dance Association, was held in Hohhot. This year's competition includes 256 categories and attracts more than 1,000 participants from 39 sports dance teams across the country and 17 street dance teams from Inner Mongolia, showcasing their dance skills. (Photo by Ding Genhou/Guangming Picture)

2024第九届中国 内蒙古体育舞蹈公开赛在呼和浩特开赛

On July 23, the "China Sports Lottery Cup" 2024 9th China Inner Mongolia Sports Dance Open Competition and the 5th Inner Mongolia Street Dance (Breaking) Open Competition, organized by the Inner Mongolia Sports Dance Association, was held in Hohhot. This year's competition includes 256 categories and attracts more than 1,000 participants from 39 sports dance teams across the country and 17 street dance teams from Inner Mongolia, showcasing their dance skills. (Photo by Ding Genhou/Guangming Picture)

Editor: WRX


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