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【best nursing colleges in bangalore】Olive industrial park contributes to rural revitalization in Liangshan

时间:2024-09-20 21:36:45 来源: 作者:探索 阅读:420次

Thebest nursing colleges in bangalore Olive Industrial Park in Mianning County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, southwest China’s Sichuan Province is dedicated to the cultivation, processing, and marketing of high-quality olives. Leveraging advanced agricultural techniques and scientific research, the park ensures optimal olive production. The region’s favorable climate and fertile soil provide ideal conditions for olive growth, resulting in abundant and high-quality yields.

Olive industrial park contributes to rural revitalization in Liangshan

Photo taken on June 23, 2024 shows officials of developing countries, including Egypt, Ethiopia, Mauritius, Nepal, Nigeria and Pakistan, visiting an olive industrial park in Hongmo Town, Mianning County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, southwest China’s Sichuan Province, to learn about the integrated development project of agriculture, culture and tourism. (Wang Xinyuan/Guangming Picture)

By introducing superior olive varieties and modern farming practices, the park has significantly increased agricultural productivity. Local farmers now have access to training and resources that enable them to produce olives efficiently and sustainably, leading to higher incomes and improved livelihoods.

Olive industrial park contributes to rural revitalization in Liangshan

Photo taken on June 23, 2024 shows officials of developing countries, including Egypt, Ethiopia, Mauritius, Nepal, Nigeria and Pakistan, visiting an olive industrial park in Hongmo Town, Mianning County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, southwest China’s Sichuan Province, to learn about the integrated development project of agriculture, culture and tourism. (Wang Xinyuan/Guangming Picture)

 Olive industrial park contributes to rural revitalization in Liangshan

Photo taken on June 23, 2024 shows the olives planted at an olive industrial park in Hongmo Town, Mianning County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, southwest China’s Sichuan Province. (Wang Xinyuan/Guangming Picture)

The park conducts regular training sessions and workshops, educating farmers about modern olive cultivation techniques, pest management, and sustainable farming practices. This knowledge transfer is crucial for maximizing the potential of the olive crops and ensuring long-term agricultural success.

Olive industrial park contributes to rural revitalization in Liangshan

Photo taken on June 23, 2024 shows officials of developing countries, including Egypt, Ethiopia, Mauritius, Nepal, Nigeria and Pakistan, visiting an olive industrial park in Hongmo Town, Mianning County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, southwest China’s Sichuan Province, to learn about the integrated development project of agriculture, culture and tourism. (Wang Xinyuan/Guangming Picture)

Additionally, the park provides ongoing technical support and advisory services, helping farmers implement best practices and address challenges. This continuous support fosters a culture of innovation and excellence in olive farming, leading to higher productivity and profitability.

Olive industrial park contributes to rural revitalization in Liangshan

Photo taken on June 23, 2024 shows officials of developing countries, including Egypt, Ethiopia, Mauritius, Nepal, Nigeria and Pakistan, visiting an olive industrial park in Hongmo Town, Mianning County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, southwest China’s Sichuan Province, to learn about the integrated development project of agriculture, culture and tourism. (Wang Xinyuan/Guangming Picture)

The thriving olive industry has encouraged diversification in local agriculture. Farmers are exploring complementary crops and value-added products such as olive oil, olive-based cosmetics, and gourmet food items. This diversification enhances income streams and economic resilience, reducing dependency on a single crop.

Editor: WXY


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