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【sattadp】Jordan, Luxembourg urge immediate ceasefire in Gaza, regional tensions de

时间:2024-09-20 21:41:53 来源: 作者:百科 阅读:819次

Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi (R) meets with Luxembourg's Vice Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Xavier Bettel in Amman, Jordan, on Aug. 1, 2024. Senior officials of Jordan and Luxembourg here on Thursday jointly urged an immediate and permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and a de-escalation of regional tensions at an early date. (Photo by Mohammad Abu Ghosh/Xinhua)

AMMAN, Aug. 1 (Xinhua) -- Senior officials of Jordan and Luxembourg here on Thursday jointly urged an immediate and permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and a de-escalation of regional tensions at an early date.

Jordan's Minister of Foreign Affairs Ayman Safadi and visiting Luxembourg's Vice Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Xavier Bettel made the call in a joint press conference following their meeting in Amman.

The current top priority in the Middle East is "stopping the Israeli aggression, ending the humanitarian disaster, and halting the catastrophic escalation, for which we hold Israel fully responsible," said Safadi.

Sadafi condemned the assassination of Hamas Politburo Chief Ismail Haniyeh, noting it would threaten regional war expansion and negatively impact regional and international peace and security.

He also condemned Israel's strikes on Lebanon, calling for immediate and concrete actions from the international community as well as the UN Security Council.

For his part, Bettel said Luxembourg is "committed to stopping the war on Gaza, achieving a ceasefire, and implementing the two-state solution."

"We believe in the two-state solution as a way to resolve the conflict in the region," he said.

Bettel said Luxembourg will increase the aid and support to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi (R) and Luxembourg's Vice Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Xavier Bettel attend a joint press conference in Amman, Jordan, on Aug. 1, 2024. Senior officials of Jordan and Luxembourg here on Thursday jointly urged an immediate and permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and a de-escalation of regional tensions at an early date. (Photo by Mohammad Abu Ghosh/Xinhua)

Editor: WXY


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